Phalloplasty: Surgical Yuckies

So since I have been taking care of my best friend I have been able to get some of the photos I wanted early. This is to really aide spouse, family, friends, etc. of patients who are wondering what staying at the hospital was like. I will also provide a write up of things to be mindful of if you are the care taker. The staff is awesome BUT you always know your family or friend the best!


For the spouses, family, friends, or support systems of any kind traveling with patients this section is for you

2014-03-21 11.34.34

Hungry? Check the map on the other page there are two convenience stores and safeway. $6 bucks for a decent lunch cant beat that. Gourmet sandwhiches made fresh at safeway just FYI

2014-03-20 13.40.07

See i”m not the only hungry one, Crane needed food too lmao. A few hours into my bros surgery when Crane took his break to stretch and eat. Love how down to earth he is

2014-03-20 23.07.43

This is where I spent 7 days by my brother side, I got a better bed in reg recovery this was in TICU the first 24 hours.



Now the fun stuff for the patients


2014-03-21 09.53.47

Pain management, antibiotics, and fluids, the three essentials that are vital to your recovery. This is no time to be superman save that for another surgery. PRESS THE DAMN BUTTON!!!

2014-03-21 09.53.28

Whats this? Oooo its a wound vac keeps all the nasty old blood from pooling and promotes good wound healing of your donor thigh. I will take a more detailed picture when I wake up full from surgery.

2014-03-21 09.53.20

Another wound vac view. Has all these awesometastical touch screen buttons and stuff lol


  1. Adam says:

    Lol you’re so funny. Laughing about the detailed attention you pay to the wound vacuum. But all this thoroughness helps!

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